About the BioArt Bayou-torium
The BioArt Bayou-torium can be transformed and re-conceptualized into exhibition settings and galleries. New iterations of this long-term social practice project can be time based, audience relational performances, photography and microscopy, sculpture installations and art objects existing inside art institutions and on exhibition walls. Each new version has the nature of Houston’s Buffalo Bayou as the basis for its subject matter and content.
The BioArt Bayou-torium is originally a science lab and art studio on the banks of Buffalo Bayou in Houston’s 2nd Ward. This socially engaged, bio-art based project invites the general public to make art by investigating nature through the aid of science tools and provides bilingual pontoon boat tours of the nature and history of the Bayou. The Bayou-torium’s art studio-laboratory was housed in a shipment container across Tony Marron Park on property overlooking the Bayou. It contained microscopes, imaging equipment, traditional art supplies and classroom sized studio space for an art making experience. Attendees were encouraged to use the actual bio-material present along Buffalo Bayou as a primary medium, with ethical, ecological considerations and a scientific methodology. This interdisciplinary art studio provided some to used microscopes to magnify and digitally photograph plant and wild life specimens collected from the Bayou. Bilingual art assistants guided people on shoreline field excursions to collect and record what they see and experience. During open hours bilingual, nature guide docents lead pontoon boat tours to introduce and educate visitors about the complex ecosystem, the stories and history of Houston’s main waterway. The BioArt Bayou-torium works in cooperation with Houston’s Buffalo Bayou Partnership.
Click Bayou-torium @ Tony Marron Park April 13 - 28, 2019 for info about its launch across from Tony Marron Park.
By virtue of its site-specific nature (along the banks of Buffalo Bayou in Houston’s Second Ward, East End), the Bio Art Bayou-torium is situated amongst predominately Hispanic neighborhoods. “El BioArte Bayou-torio’s” purpose is to engage with the Spanish speaking community with a strong bilingual inclusiveness. Revealing Buffalo Bayou’s nature and history in both English and Spanish allows for an under-served community the chance to have an aesthetic and science based experience that is not typically available for residents in this part of Houston. Our community (I was born, live and work here) has very few public access points along Buffalo Bayou. Unlike other more affluent communities, we lack sufficient walking and bike trails that could otherwise provide a more intimate experience to a natural, public waterway. Consequently, the project’s presence provides an innovative access point to the residents “backyard”. El Bayou-torio will actively promote in the local community centers, schools, churches and neighborhood associations as well as in local Spanish language periodicals and media outlets. Situated within the Second Ward’s vibrant, active arts community provides the added benefit of aligning with some of Houston’s best artists and artist run spaces. The goal of offering new possibilities for an inter-relationship with nature to our historic Hispanic, moderate income, bilingual neighborhoods, to our new incoming residents and an exciting arts community can seed new types of communities with an environmental awareness.
The Bio-Art Bayou-torium can become a platform for innovative art making. Though it is proposed as a finite project, it has the potential to exist, evolve and inspire in the long term.
El ArteBio Bayou-torio es un laboratorio cientifico y estudio de arte en la orilla de Buffalo Bayou en el distrito de 2nd Ward, Houston. Este proyecto de arte-biológica invita al publico general de todas las edades a crear arte a través de la investigación de la naturaleza, con la ayuda de herramientas científicas. El estudio-laboratorio será construido en terreno de Buffalo Bayou Partnership, dentro de un contenedor de envío con vista hacia el agua. El estudio contendrá microscopios, impresoras, monitores y útiles de arte tradicionales con cuales el público podrá participar en la experiencia y el proceso de crear arte. Guías con concocimiento sobre la vida silvestre nativa, y las historias del estero guiarán al publico en excursiones del terreno a pie, y también a bordo de bote pontón para educar a los visitantes sobre el complejo ecosistema e historia del canal acuático principal de Houston. El Bayou-torio comenzará operaciones en abril del 2019, y estará situado al otro lado del parque Tony Marron en 901 N. York Street, 77003. Admision Gratis.
Dado a la naturaleza especifica del sitio (alrededor de las orillas de Buffalo Bayou en el distrito de Second Ward, Houston, Lado Este) El ArteBio Bayou-torio está situado predominantemente entre vecindarios Hispanos. El propósito principal del proyecto es participar con la comunidad Hispana con fuerte inclusividad bilingüe. Revelar la naturaleza e historia de Buffalo Bayou en ambos el inglés y el español le permite a una comunidad menos-representada la oportunidad de tener una experiencia estética y científica que típicamente no está disponible a los residentes de este lado de Houston. Nuestra comunidad (nací, vivo y trabajo aquí) tiene muy pocos puntos de acceso publico alrededor del estero. Diferente a otras comunidades más afluentes, faltamos de suficientes caminos para caminadores y ciclistas, cuales podrían de otra manera proveer una experiencia más intima con este cuerpo de agua natural publico. Consecuentemente la presencia del proyecto proveerá nuevos puntos de acceso al "patio trasero" de estos residentes. El Bayou-torio promocionara activamente en los centros comunales locales, escuelas, iglesias y medios de comunicación públicos. Situado dentro de la vibrante, y activa comunidad artística de Second Ward, ofrece el beneficio adicional de alinearse con algunos de los mejores artistas y espacios artísticos en Houston. La meta de ofrecer nuevas posibilidades para una interrelación con la naturaleza, nuestros vecindarios historicos de ingreso moderado, nuestros nuevos residentes y una comunidad artística emocionante, puede sembrar nuevas semillas de conciencia ambiental. El ArteBio Bayou-torio puede llegar a ser una plataforma innovativa para crear arte. Aparte de ser propuesto como un proyecto finito, tiene la potencia de existir evolucionar y inspirar a largo plazo.
El ArteBio Bayou-torio puede llegar a ser una plataforma inovativa para crear arte. aparte de ser propuesto como un projecto finito, tiene la potencia de existir, evolucionar, y inspirar at largo plazo.
Click the individual images below for the slide show.
This project is funded in part by the 2019 Idea Fund, a re-granting program administered by a partnership of DiverseWorks, Aurora Picture Show and Project Row Houses and funded by The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts.
The Buffalo Bayou Partnership is a generous sponsor of the BioArt Bayou-torium through the use of their property, pontoon boats, media outreach, their excellent staff and good offices.
This project is funded in part by the City of Houston through Houston Arts Alliance
Thank you to Nation Waste for their generous contribution!